Holmarc manufactures motorized linear translation stages in ready to operate design for applications in research and manufacturing. We have categorized our standard stages in four different series, namely MTS, LMS and RCMTS based on their design. All these stages are modular in design and construction. Multi-axes configurations are possible by assembling single axis stages at user end. For standard stages, construction material is aluminum alloy. We make stages in stainless steel and mild steel as well for custom requirements.
Holmarc's MTS-M series motorized stages are miniature in size with a footprint as small as 35 x 35 mm. Drive motor is stepper with 28 mm frame size.
Holmarc's MTS-M series motorized stages are miniature in size with a footprint as small as 35 x 35 mm. Drive motor is stepper with 28 mm frame size.
MTS series stages are compact and modular motorized positioners for short travel applications. Stepper motor is used as electrical actuator.
LMS series motorized stages provide travel up to 150 mm. Drive mechanism comprises of precision ground lead screw and preloaded nut.
These stages are based on linear guide ways using V grooved guides and crossed rollers are used for play-less and stick-slip free precision positioning.
Belt-driven stages are ideal for applications requiring long distances and high speeds. Speeds as high as 600mm per second can be achieved.
Belt-driven stages are ideal for applications requiring long distances and high speeds. Speeds as high as 600mm per second can be achieved.
This configuration helps to keep the footprint as minimum as possible. In this case, width of the stage could be reduced to 35mm.
This configuration helps to keep the footprint as minimum as possible. In this case, width of the stage could be reduced to 50mm.
Point contact ball bearing guides are used in these stages to keep height of the stage at 42 mm which is height of the drive motor.
RCMTS-125 series stages are designed to carry heavy loads, yet to move and position precisely. Recirculating type ball bearing linear ways are used as guides.
RCMTS-150 series stages are available for travel upto 150 mm. Carriage size is 150 x 150 mm. Drive is by ball screw-stepper motor combination.
RCMTS-200 series stages have 200 mm width and carriages ( load bearing moving surfaces ) have 200 mm x 200 mm size. Drive is by ball screw-stepper motor combination.
There are two linear guideways for each axis and these are re-circulating type with balls. Drive is by ball screw-stepper motor combination.
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